Darden Center for Global Initiatives (DCGI)
DCGI - Regions - East Asia
East Asia
Darden’s engagement in East Asia runs deep, with support on the ground from the UVA China Office, an actively engaged alumni network, events and thought leadership led by the Asia Initiative. Between the annual Shanghai Investing Summit and regular student programming in the area, Darden makes a difference in this dynamic and rapidly changing region while training future leaders to do the same.
Darden in China
Nearly half of all of Darden’s current international students hold citizenships from a nation in Asia, with the most students coming from China. Check the admissions schedule for the calendar of when Darden representatives will be in your area.
The residential MBA program offers a Global Immersion Course to China each year and often Global Consulting Projects with clients in China, too. Second Year residential MBA students also have the opportunity to go on exchange at one of our partner schools in China, such as Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management or China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). Also, the Executive MBA offers a residency in China each year.
Darden Executive Education regularly develops custom programs for clients in China, sometimes in partnership with other schools or local organizations. Leaders from China have also attended Darden’s The Executive Program, a flagship course for executive development.
Through Darden’s Asia Initiative, Darden faculty often conduct research or offer thought leadership in relation to India or present in the country.
Office Location
Darden maintains a presence in China through the UVA China Office in Shanghai, which regularly hosts events, supports activities, and serves as the Eastern gateway to the University of Virginia and Darden.
Director of China Initiatives
UVA Darden Office
55 West Fuxing Road, Room 101
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031 China复兴西路55号101室
中国上海徐汇区邮编:200031Find us on Social Media
Weibo: http://weibo.com/darden
Youku: http://i.youku.com/dardenmba
WeChat: UVaDarden -
Academic Opportunities
One of four Global Residencies for Executive MBA students, the China Residency allows students to explore the business hubs of Shanghai and Beijing.
Global Immersion Courses
Global Immersion Courses provide students with the opportunity to engage deeply with another culture and its business practices. These courses typically run one or two weeks during January, March or May and are led entirely by Darden faculty members.
- China
- Japan
Past Global Consulting Project Locations
During their second year, Darden students have the opportunity to work directly with a global client on a pressing business challenge. These clients may be multi-national organizations, small start-ups, nonprofits or other schools. Students conduct an onsite visit as part of working on their project. Past locations in East Asia have included:
- China
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- Japan
- Nepal
- Vietnam
- East China/Tibet
Exchange Partners
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)Shanghai, China
China European International Business School (CEIBS)Tokyo, Japan
Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Management and Commerce -
Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership
Darden events in the region include:
Regional Articles
Perception that U.S. Doesn't Want China Business Students Is Wrong, Darden Dean Says
CEIBS Wealth Forum: US-China Trade War Fears Spark Thirst for Safe Investment Choices
Exploring the Future of Bitcoin, China and Human Work as 'Optional'
Geopolitical Uncertainty Brews Investing Concerns at Shanghai Forum
UVA in China: Officials to Celebrate Grand Opening of Shanghai Office
UVA Darden School Expands Its Engagement in Asia
Ideas to Action
Entrepreneurship in China: The Rise of Female Billionaires
Predicting Unpredictability in Chinese Equity Markets
Boom and Bust: China's Stock Market Turmoil
International Monetary Policy and Capital Control Measures: The Way Forward
Growing Family Business in Emerging Markets
The Nuances of Cross-Cultural Communication
Making it Easy to Catch Fish: Tips for Investing in the Chinese Market
New 'Ambicultural' Manager Combines Best of East and West
Insights on China: How Agriculture Drives Socioeconomic Change
Students & Alumni
Admissions and alumni receptions are regularly hosted in East Asia and Darden representatives also often attend multi-school events. Check the Admissions schedule for more information.
Watch: WW Yen's Amazing Success Story at UVA and in China
Student Stories
Jennifer Zhang (Class of 2018) on Her Darden Decision, Club Experiences and Internship at Tencent
Incoming President of Asian Business Club at Darden (ABCD) Discusses Vision for the Future
Journeying through Japan: A Look Into one of Darden's Newest Worldwide Course Offerings
A Farewell to Japan: Darden Worldwide Course Wraps Up in Tokyo
Q&A with Matt Tao (Class of 2018)
UVA Darden Murphy Fellowship Enables 'Big Change' Through Global Experience
Q&A with Chuxuan Hou (MBA ’17)
Q&A with Jiang Jian (Class of 2018)
Q&A with Joyce Xu (Class of 2018)
Justin Tang (MBA ’17) Shares Insights on Darden Worldwide Courses
Global Consulting Project Team Visits Client in Hong Kong
Linda Long (MBA ’17) Sheds Light on Darden Worldwide Courses
Exchange Student from China Shares Fall 2016 Experience at Darden
Darden Student Profile: Patrick Liu (Class of 2018)
Darden Student Profile: Stacey Chen (MBA ’17)
Luda Cheng (MBA ’17) Returns to China for Internship at Johnson & Johnson
Scholar Showcase: Ning (Edward) Kang (MBA ’17)
Darden Students Consult with Taiwanese Technology Firm
Global MBA for Executives Residency in China 2015
Incoming Student Perspective on the Shanghai Investing Summit and Advice from Alumni
Christopher Porter (MBA ’16) Interns at Google’s Tokyo Office
Darden’s Alumni in Korea Host Visiting Darden Faculty
Time Magazine Journalist Dives Into Darden First Year
Alumni Making a Difference in East Asia
Darden Alumni Leaders Shine in Shanghai
- Rong "Shirley" Wang (MBA '05), Founder, BuzzKID
- Christopher Smith (MBA ’01), Finance Director, Intel Semiconductor (Dalian), Ltd.
- Peabody Hutton (MBA ’77), Partner and General Counsel, Orion Partners
- Sabine Wu (MBA ’05), Vice General Manager of Strategy Development, Tencent
- Jerry Peng (MBA ’03), CEO and Chair, Vastly
- Ro and Martin King (MBA ’91), Business Leaders, Hong Kong
- Scott Price (MBA/MA ’90), President and CEO, Wal-Mart Asia
- Hoyoung Ban (MBA ’11), CEO, Neofect
- T.R. Harrington (MBA ’04), Co-Program Director, MOX (Mobile Only Accelerator)
Nearly half of all of Darden’s current international students hold citizenships from a nation in Asia, with the most students coming from China. Check the admissions schedule for the calendar of when Darden representatives will be in your area.
The residential MBA program offers a Global Immersion Course to China each year and often Global Consulting Projects with clients in China, too. Second Year residential MBA students also have the opportunity to go on exchange at one of our partner schools in China, such as Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management or China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). Also, the Executive MBA offers a residency in China each year.
Darden Executive Education regularly develops custom programs for clients in China, sometimes in partnership with other schools or local organizations. Leaders from China have also attended Darden’s The Executive Program, a flagship course for executive development.
Through Darden’s Asia Initiative, Darden faculty often conduct research or offer thought leadership in relation to India or present in the country.
Office Location
Darden maintains a presence in China through the UVA China Office in Shanghai, which regularly hosts events, supports activities, and serves as the Eastern gateway to the University of Virginia and Darden.
Director of China Initiatives
UVA Darden Office
55 West Fuxing Road, Room 101
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031 China
Find us on Social Media
Weibo: http://weibo.com/darden
Youku: http://i.youku.com/dardenmba
WeChat: UVaDarden
One of four Global Residencies for Executive MBA students, the China Residency allows students to explore the business hubs of Shanghai and Beijing.
Global Immersion Courses
Global Immersion Courses provide students with the opportunity to engage deeply with another culture and its business practices. These courses typically run one or two weeks during January, March or May and are led entirely by Darden faculty members.
- China
- Japan
Past Global Consulting Project Locations
During their second year, Darden students have the opportunity to work directly with a global client on a pressing business challenge. These clients may be multi-national organizations, small start-ups, nonprofits or other schools. Students conduct an onsite visit as part of working on their project. Past locations in East Asia have included:
- China
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- Japan
- Nepal
- Vietnam
- East China/Tibet
Exchange Partners
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Shanghai, China
China European International Business School (CEIBS)
Tokyo, Japan
Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Management and Commerce
Thought Leadership
Darden events in the region include:
Regional Articles
Perception that U.S. Doesn't Want China Business Students Is Wrong, Darden Dean Says
CEIBS Wealth Forum: US-China Trade War Fears Spark Thirst for Safe Investment Choices
Exploring the Future of Bitcoin, China and Human Work as 'Optional'
Geopolitical Uncertainty Brews Investing Concerns at Shanghai Forum
UVA in China: Officials to Celebrate Grand Opening of Shanghai Office
UVA Darden School Expands Its Engagement in Asia
Ideas to Action
Entrepreneurship in China: The Rise of Female Billionaires
Predicting Unpredictability in Chinese Equity Markets
Boom and Bust: China's Stock Market Turmoil
International Monetary Policy and Capital Control Measures: The Way Forward
Growing Family Business in Emerging Markets
The Nuances of Cross-Cultural Communication
Making it Easy to Catch Fish: Tips for Investing in the Chinese Market
New 'Ambicultural' Manager Combines Best of East and West
Insights on China: How Agriculture Drives Socioeconomic Change
Admissions and alumni receptions are regularly hosted in East Asia and Darden representatives also often attend multi-school events. Check the Admissions schedule for more information.
Watch: WW Yen's Amazing Success Story at UVA and in China
Student Stories
Jennifer Zhang (Class of 2018) on Her Darden Decision, Club Experiences and Internship at Tencent
Incoming President of Asian Business Club at Darden (ABCD) Discusses Vision for the Future
Journeying through Japan: A Look Into one of Darden's Newest Worldwide Course Offerings
A Farewell to Japan: Darden Worldwide Course Wraps Up in Tokyo
Q&A with Matt Tao (Class of 2018)
UVA Darden Murphy Fellowship Enables 'Big Change' Through Global Experience
Q&A with Chuxuan Hou (MBA ’17)
Q&A with Jiang Jian (Class of 2018)
Q&A with Joyce Xu (Class of 2018)
Justin Tang (MBA ’17) Shares Insights on Darden Worldwide Courses
Global Consulting Project Team Visits Client in Hong Kong
Linda Long (MBA ’17) Sheds Light on Darden Worldwide Courses
Exchange Student from China Shares Fall 2016 Experience at Darden
Darden Student Profile: Patrick Liu (Class of 2018)
Darden Student Profile: Stacey Chen (MBA ’17)
Luda Cheng (MBA ’17) Returns to China for Internship at Johnson & Johnson
Scholar Showcase: Ning (Edward) Kang (MBA ’17)
Darden Students Consult with Taiwanese Technology Firm
Global MBA for Executives Residency in China 2015
Incoming Student Perspective on the Shanghai Investing Summit and Advice from Alumni
Christopher Porter (MBA ’16) Interns at Google’s Tokyo Office
Darden’s Alumni in Korea Host Visiting Darden Faculty
Time Magazine Journalist Dives Into Darden First Year
Alumni Making a Difference in East Asia
Darden Alumni Leaders Shine in Shanghai
- Rong "Shirley" Wang (MBA '05), Founder, BuzzKID
- Christopher Smith (MBA ’01), Finance Director, Intel Semiconductor (Dalian), Ltd.
- Peabody Hutton (MBA ’77), Partner and General Counsel, Orion Partners
- Sabine Wu (MBA ’05), Vice General Manager of Strategy Development, Tencent
- Jerry Peng (MBA ’03), CEO and Chair, Vastly
- Ro and Martin King (MBA ’91), Business Leaders, Hong Kong
- Scott Price (MBA/MA ’90), President and CEO, Wal-Mart Asia
- Hoyoung Ban (MBA ’11), CEO, Neofect
- T.R. Harrington (MBA ’04), Co-Program Director, MOX (Mobile Only Accelerator)