MBA - Area Focus Electives - Accounting


At Darden, all First Year students take a core accounting course. In addition, Darden offers many opportunities to expand your knowledge of accounting principles and practice, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Required Course


Please note: courses are subject to change each year. Consult the course directory for the most up-to-date course offerings.

How Darden Teaches Accounting Using the Case Method

One of the most frequent questions we receive is how is accounting taught in the case method? Check out the video to learn more!

Accounting Faculty

ShaneDikolli_AJohnson_7 300x300_BW

Shane Dikolli

Bank of America Associate Professor of Business Administration

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Justin J. Hopkins

J. Harvie Wilkinson Jr. Associate Professor of Business Administration

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Luann J. Lynch

Almand R. Coleman Professor of Business Administration

Simmi Mookerjee -11 preferred_AliJohnson_BW

Simmi Mookerjee

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

James Naughton bio photo

James Naughton

Associate Professor of Business Administration


Paul J. Simko

Frank M. Sands Sr. Associate Professor of Business Administration