Darden brand colors

Brand Essentials

Darden Brand - Brand Essentials - Color


Primary Color Palette

The Darden School of Business adheres to the primary brand colors of the University of Virginia: UVA Orange and UVA Blue. 


PMS Coated

CMYK Coated

CMYK Uncoated



UVA Orange
Pantone Best Match 158C

C: 0
M: 64
Y: 81
K: 0

C: 0
M: 68
Y: 100
K: 0

R: 229
G: 114
B: 0


UVA Blue
Pantone Best Match 28767C

C: 87
M: 70
Y: 22
K: 44

C: 98
M: 83
Y: 12
K: 46

R: 35
G: 45
B: 75



Secondary Color Palette

The secondary colors complement the primary colors and convey intensity, liveliness and sophistication. Usage should be limited to small graphic elements within the composition. Graphics supporting feature-length content in publication design can also find conviviality in this palette. Secondary colors may be applied in charts and graphs as complementary features.


PMS Coated

CMYK Coated



Pantone Warm Grey 1 C

C: 5
M: 3
Y: 7
K: 0

R: 239
G: 239
B: 233


Pantone 413 C

C: 30
M: 26
Y: 31
K: 0

R: 182
G: 176
B: 168


Pantone 7684 C

C: 79
M: 66
Y: 44
K: 0

R: 84
G: 99
B: 124


Pantone 547 C

C: 69
Y: 100
K: 37

R: 70
G: 89
B: 34


Pantone 3935 C

C: 8
Y: 87
K: 0

R: 241
G: 225
B: 64


Pantone 7611 C

C: 15
Y: 26
K: 0

R: 215
G: 176
B: 171