Stefan Ruediger
Associate Professor
Academic Area
Stefan Ruediger, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the University of Virginia, where he teaches the EU in the World Economy course in the GEM area of Darden, Modern Techniques in Finance for the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, and Introductory Econometrics for the Economics Department at the College of Arts & Sciences. Prior to joining UVA, he was a Clinical Associate Professor in the economics department in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Stefan is an award-winning educator who previously taught business statistics, statistics for managers, managerial economics, money and banking, and principles of macroeconomics, among many other classes. He has experience teaching in online, face-2-face, hybrid, and hy-flex formats and has worked on several large Gates Foundation and the APLU grants developing new adaptive courseware tools, in-class instructional materials, instructional videos, and teaching modes to improve student success, student retention rates, and decrease withdrawal rates at ASU. In over 15 years of teaching Stefan has taught more than 13,000 students.
His research is focused on Economic and Statistics Education, Economic Development, and Financial Economics. He has published on the regulatory response to the 2007/8 financial crisis, the interplay of intellectual property rights and innovation, the relationship of the abundance of natural resources and economic performance and won awards for his research. Stefan has worked as a research consultant for the ASU Seidman Research Institute, where he evaluated the impact of airports on house values.
In addition, Stefan was a track and field coach at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee for 5 years and a member of the German Bobsledding national team for 4 years. His athletics background always provides a good basis for fun conversations with students and is a source of great economics and statistics examples.