GVV infographic

IBIS Initiatives

IBIS Initiatives - Giving Voice to Values (GVV)

Giving Voice to Values

Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is an innovative approach to values-driven leadership development in business education and the workplace.

Rather than a focus on ethical analysis, the Giving Voice to Values (GVV) curriculum focuses on ethical implementation and asks the questions: “What if I were going to act on my values? What would I say and do? How could I be most effective?"

Piloted in over 1,055 schools, companies and other organizations on all seven continents, the Giving Voice to Values curriculum offers practical exercises, cases, modules, scripts and teaching plans for handling a wide range of ethical conflicts in the workplace.

Resources are listed below and available on the Giving Voice to Values: The Book website.

  • What is GVV?

    Whether you are a business leader, employee or a practitioner in another field, how can you effectively stand up for your values when pressured by your boss, colleagues, customers or shareholders to do the opposite? 

    Despite all the internal and external pressures surrounding ethical decision-making, some people do voice and act on their values, and do so effectively. So what makes them effective? What do they do differently?

    They strategize and prepare. And then, they practice.

    Much like athletes practice their sports, strengthening their muscles, improving their abilities and bolstering their chances of success, those who are effective voicing their values in the workplace often rehearse different scenarios and script their conversation in advance. Like runners or weight lifters, they practice what they would say — out loud — building a sort of “ethical muscle memory,” ready to face future ethical dilemmas.

    What might our businesses — and our world — look like if more of us felt empowered and were skillful and practiced enough to voice and act on our values effectively? What if we could learn the skills and tools needed to act on our values in an authentic and results-oriented way? 

    This is exactly the kind of thinking that inspired Darden Professor Mary Gentile to create Giving Voice to Values (GVV), originally launched by the Aspen Institute with the Yale School of Management, housed at Babson College from 2009 to 2016 and now hosted by the UVA Darden School of Business.

    Drawing on the actual experience of business practitioners as well as social science and management research, GVV helps students, business leaders, employees, and other practitioners identify the many ways that individuals can and do voice their values in the workplace, and provides the opportunity to script and practice this voice in front of their peers.

    GVV is not about persuading people to be more ethical. Rather, GVV starts from the premise that most of us already want to act on our values, but that we also want to feel that we have a reasonable chance of doing so effectively and successfully. This pedagogy and curriculum are about raising those odds.

    What Others Say

    “Giving Voice to Values heralds a revolution in ethics education. Gentile isn’t interested in abstract (and often fruitless) debates about ethical principles — rather, she wants to help you practice what to do when you know something is unethical. It’s like a self-defense class for your soul.” 
    —Dan and Chip Heath, authors of Switch and Made to Stick

    “Giving Voice to Values is exactly what we need to help our students take action. Most ethics courses focus on hypothetical decision–making and determining what is the right thing to do. We know that ‘knowing’ does not lead to ‘doing.’ This initiative empowers students to speak through their actions.” 
    —Carolyn Woo, Dean
    Notre Dame Mendoza
    College of Business

    "Mary Gentile has responded to the cries of business and business school critics by shifting our attention from debating right vs. wrong and right vs. right to acting on the questions these dilemmas raise. The most significant contribution to business ethics I have experienced in my professional career, Giving Voice to Values is destined to shape the behavior of future generations.” 
    —Leonard A. Schlesinger, President
    Babson College

  • Who Uses GVV?

    Whether you are a professor, student, corporate leader or practitioner in business, government, medicine or another field, Giving Voice to Values (GVV) provides the practical tools and skills needed to effectively voice and act on your values in the workplace.


    To date, GVV has been piloted in hundreds of schools, companies, professional associations and other organizations on all seven continents and has an extensive network of thousands of contacts across the globe. Originally designed for use in graduate business school curricula, GVV has now moved well beyond that.

    Within the field of education, GVV has been used in undergraduate, MBA and executive education programs in business schools around the world. Other potential educational applications for GVV include elementary and secondary educators and students, as well as parents and the general public.

    GVV has been a featured part of the United Nations Global Compact Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) programming, and PRME has become a partner supporting GVV curriculum development on anti-corruption, with a 2015 initiative in India that resulted in 10 new GVV-India case studies. A similar region-specific curriculum development initiative in Egypt was sponsored by the ILO and the German University in Cairo. 

    Increasingly, GVV is also being adapted for educational purposes beyond business (in fields such as medicine, nursing, engineering, law, accounting, and liberal arts). The 2013 book, Educating for Values-Driven Leadership: Giving Voice To Values Across the Curriculum , features chapters by a dozen faculty from different disciplines (such as economics, accounting, negotiations, and human resources management) sharing how they use GVV. There are also numerous titles in the Giving Voice To Values Book Collection from Business Expert Press and the forthcoming Giving Voice To Values Book Series from Greenleaf Publishing.

    Corporate Leaders and Practitioners

    GVV has been utilized by many corporate audiences as a stand-alone program and as an integrated part of leadership development or ethics programs. Companies can utilize materials from the extensive GVV curriculum collection, or receive assistance in crafting customized GVV materials for their particular organization (including cases, exercises, slide decks, videos and online programs). Presentations, consultation, executive education programming and train-the-trainer sessions are available.

    What Others Say

    “Mary Gentile’s Giving Voice to Values is a clarion call to the new generation of leaders to put their values in practice in the workplace. Its timely and thoughtful message is precisely what the corporate world needs now."  
    —Bill George, Professor of Management Practice 
    Harvard Business School 
    Former CEO, Medtronic

    "Corporate tragedies are usually the result of dozens of people who sit silently on the sidelines afraid or uncertain of what to do about a transgression. Giving Voice to Values aims to raise corporate behavior to a dramatically higher standard by ensuring that everyone not only can tell right from wrong, but knows what to do in the face of corporate misconduct." 
    —Jeffrey Hollender, author of The Responsibility Revolution and Co-Founder and Executive Chair of Seventh Generation, author of the leading blog on corporate responsibility 

  • Books

     Giving Voice to ValuesInspired by the Giving Voice to Values (GVV) curriculum, Richard M. Waitzer Bicentennial Professor of Ethics Mary Gentile’s book, Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What’s Right , is another useful tool for exploring these concepts of values-based leadership. Within the book, educator Mary Gentile empowers working professionals with the skills to voice and act on their values and align their professional path with their principles.

    Challenging the assumptions about business ethics at companies and business schools, Professor Gentile argues that often the issue isn’t distinguishing what is right or wrong, but knowing how to act on your values despite opposing pressure. Drawing on actual business experiences as well as social science research, Gentile offers advice, practical exercises and scripts for handling a wide range of ethical dilemmas. Published by Yale University Press - with translations in Chinese and  Korean - Giving Voice to Values is an engaging, innovative and useful guide that is essential reading for anyone in business.

    Another book, Educating for Values-Driven Leadership: Giving Voice to Values Across the Curriculum, features chapters by a dozen faculty from different disciplines such as economics, accounting, negotiations and human resources sharing how they use GVV. The book is a useful guide for faculty from any business discipline on HOW to use the GVV approach in his or her teaching.

    Giving Voice to Values in the Legal ProfessionSimilarly, Professor Gentile's book Giving Voice to Values in the Legal Profession is the first title in the Giving Voice to Values book series from Routledge/Greenleaf Publishing. By providing 12 accessible scenarios drawn from real-life examples, this book walks readers though some of the most common ethical issues they will face in the workplace and how to address them in a manner that is realistic and effective. Proposals are invited. There are also a number of published books in the previous Giving Voice to Values book series from Business Expert Press.

    The second book in the series, Giving Voice to Values in Accounting, is the first book to address ethical dilemmas that accountants face in their operations. The book's authors, Professors Tara Shawver and William Miller, provide guidance to those in the profession on navigating these dilemmas and making the right judgment calls.

    Giving Voice to Values as a Professional PhysicianIn Giving Voice to Values as a Professional Physician, the GVV methodology is applied to assisting medical professionals in navigating everyday challenges they may encounter. In doing so, the book shifts the focus of medical ethics from academic discussion to emphasizing moral actions, guiding the readers through several difficult cases.

    R. Kelly Crace and Robert Louis Crace discuss how never before have the pressures of a comparative and competitive world impacted on our sense of wellbeing, particularly among young adults, in their book Authentic Excellence: Flourishing & Resilience in a Relentless World. Building on the principles of Giving Voice to Values, which honors the complexity and difficulty of leading with our values, this book addresses the unique challenges faced by young adults.

    In the fifth book in the series, Ethics, CSR, and Sustainability (ECSRS) Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: Conceptualization, Contextualization, and Empirical Evidence, the authors compile conceptual, contextual, and empirical research that addresses the concepts of CSR, ethics, and sustainability education in the MENA region, with a special emphasis on how educators can bridge to the Giving Voice to Values approach.

    ETHEngaging the Heart in Business: A Revolutionary Market Approach Based on Love will support you in building your business strategy and designing marketing tools (from customer analysis, to the definition of your offer and the style of communication, up to the positioning of prices and the management of resources) in the light of a new model, the Loving Business Model, which aims to make the customer fall in love with you, and you with your work.

    The seventh book in the series, Shaping the Future of Work: A Handbook for Action and a New Social Contract, is a call to action for collaboration and provides a clear roadmap for the roles workers and leaders in business, labor, education, and government must play in building a new social contract for all to prosper.

    In Ethics Training for Managers: Best Practices and Techniques, the authors—four organizational psychologists who specialize in the study of ethical decision making—translate insights on whether employees can be trained to make more ethical decisions based on decades of scientific research.

    In Robert Feldman's book, Professionalism and Values in Law Practice, he presents practical advice to law students and those entering and now working in the legal profession that will help them to reconcile who they are as a person with the demands and opportunities of a legal career.

    Giving Voice to Values in the Boardroom takes the central issues facing board members today and applies the giving voice to values framework while also providing insights from practicing board members who have faced these issues. With this book, readers will also grapple with the conflicts of interest that might arise in the director selection process, role of the nominating committee and the compensation committee in order to cultivate more optimal board dynamics.

    Giving Voice to Values: An Innovation and Impact Agenda shifts attention to the future of GVV and provides thought-pieces from practitioners and leading experts in business ethics and the professions on the possibilities for sustaining its growth and success.

    In Collaborating for Climate Resilience, authors Ann Goodman and Nilda Mesa discuss how supporters of environmental well-being and climate resilience are awakening and mobilizing – cities, states, business, academia, community-based organizations, and the military. They understand the imminent and long-term risks of climate deterioration and they are creating new structures beyond the top-down government policy efforts of the past.

    trjTactics for Racial Justice: Building an Antiracist Organization and Community is not a book of antiracist theory but antiracist tactics - tactics that anyone, of any race, can use to strike a blow against injustice. Antiracism is not about what we feel but what we do, and there are specific techniques we can use to create a just world. This book is available for pre-order and will ship after November 30, 2021.


    New books are added on an ongoing basis.

    What Others Say

    "Mary Gentile documents a fascinating tool to help us to be as ethical as we strive to be. She highlights that rehearsing for ethically challenging situations may allow us to develop a response more in line with our ethical preferences than the knee jerk responses that have led so many to make the wrong choice in important situations. The ideas in the book are clever, original, thoughtful and important." 
    —Max H. Bazerman, Straus Professor
    Harvard Business School

    "In business and in life, we often know what is the right thing to do, but we have trouble implementing it. This book shows how we can all make the right things happen. It is a wonderful guide to help us enter an era of responsibility and of leadership based on values." 
    —Walter Isaacson,CEO
    The Aspen Institute

    Other Books

  • Curriculum


    Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is an innovative approach to values-driven leadership development in business education and the workplace, pioneered by the former Richard M. Waitzer Bicentennial Professor of Ethics, Mary Gentile.

    GVV is not about persuading people to be more ethical. Rather, GVV starts from the premise that most of us already want to act on our values, but that we also want to feel that we have a reasonable chance of doing so effectively and successfully. This pedagogy and curriculum are about raising those odds.

    Rather than a focus on ethical analysis, the Giving Voice to Values (GVV) curriculum focuses on ethical implementation and asks the question: “What if I were going to act on my values? What would I say and do? How could I be most effective?”

    The Giving Voice to Values (GVV) curriculum, cases, modules, scripts and teaching plans are available on the Darden Business Publishing website.

    MOOC - Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values

    Since 25 September 2017, the Darden School of Business, in partnership with Coursera, has offered a four-week online course, Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values. This course offers an introduction to the GVV approach to values-driven leadership development as well as the opportunity to engage in self-assessment, to rehearse GVV scripting and action-planning exercises, and to create a personalized implementation plan.

    The course includes short videos introducing key GVV topics and approaches, as well as video presentations by GVV users from business, the military and academia.

    Audiences for this course include: business practitioners, corporate trainers and leadership/ethics professionals, faculty who wish to find ways to integrate values-related topics into their core curriculum, as well as students and individual learners. Faculty may wish to assign the entire course and/or selected videos and assignments to students in their own classes, as a way to introduce them to the GVV approach before asking them to apply the methodology to cases and topics in their existing syllabi.

    Registration for the course is FREE. However, if learners wish to earn an optional certificate from Coursera, they can do so for $79.

    Registration is available through Coursera. For more information, please feel free to contact [email protected].


    Nomadic - Overview of GVV 

    Giving Voice to Values also offers a series of six interactive online cohort-based modules that introduce the core GVV concepts and methodologies and provide opportunities to practice with these approaches. These modules are short, customizable and creatively designed to incorporate: brief cases, clear and compelling presentation of core concepts, engaging animations and powerful video segments with opportunities to practice application of the GVV methodologies, as well as opportunities to engage in peer exchanges.

    What Others Say

    "This course should be part of the academic curriculum, client on-boarding and employee orientation...I often found myself in situations where I know what is wrong and right but never had right kind of tools or methodology to approach the situation. This course has unlocked those skills and enabled me to take systematic approach in dealing with ethical challenges at the workplace."
    - Coursera Course Review

    "The GVV curriculum promises to be a major step forward in enabling people to deal effectively with the inevitable challenges to their integrity and ethical values – challenges they will face in both their working and personal lives. I am excited by GVV's emphasis on shifting the focus from discussions and debates about what is the 'right' answer to a challenge to one's integrity or one's ethical values to a focus on 'how to act' on one's values in a particular situation. This approach promises major breakthroughs in giving people effective choice in acting on those values. It does so by providing the opportunity to practice handling the discomfort, threats, isolation and embarrassment each person faces in dealing with such situations. I expect this approach to have major impact on individuals' willingness and ability to act effectively in such difficult situations." 
    —Michael C. Jensen, Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Emeritus
    Harvard Business School

  • Media & Publications

    View a full list of media and other publications on the Giving Voice to Values Book Website.

    Media and Other Publications 

    Forward by Mary C. Gentile. In Making Values Real: Focus on the Yeast Effect by Arnold Smit. Knowledge Resources, 2025.

    Mary C. Gentile was named an Affiliate by IVET Foundation (International Values Education Trust) in January 2025.

    "12 Ideas for Fostering Belonging and Collaboration in Local News Organizations," in Better News, American Press Institute. Features insights from Mary Gentile (Aug 2024).

    “An empirical analysis of the theoretical foundation of the Giving Voice to Values pedagogy” in Accounting Education by William F. Miller, Tara J. Shawver & Steven M. Mintz (vol. 33, 2024).

    Giving Voice to Values is included in Viewbook: Putting i5 Into Practice (2024) published by the Principles for Responsible Education, an initiative supported by the United Nations.

    GVV is discussed in Making Work Matter: How to Create Positive Change in Your Company and Meaning in Your Career by Nancy McGaw, Royal Oak Press, 7 May 2024.

    “Connecting Voice to Organisational Integrity,” (Chapter 27) by Brett Beasley with Mary C. Gentile, in Research Handbook on Organisational Integrity, edited by Muel Kapstein. (Edward Elgar: 2024).

    "Book Review of Giving Voice to Values," by Evgeny Popov in "Evgeny's Substack," (April 2024).

    “The Human Economy: Creating Resilience through Human-Centric Systems” by Line Lorenzen. Global Peter Drucker Forum on LinkedIn, 29 February 2024.

    "Regenerative Business Voices: Values-based Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Enterprises," by Mark G. Edwards, Anton Lindberg, Melker Larsson and Jonathan Angel. New York: Routledge, 2024.

    "Socratic Dialogue: Voicing Values," by Sira Abenoza and Josep Maria Lozano. New York: Routledge, 2024.

    “Connecting Voice to Organisational Integrity” by Brett Beasley with Mary C. Gentile. In Research Handbook on Organisational Integrity, edited by M. Kaptein. Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, 2024.

    Giving Voice to Values-based Leadership How to Develop Good Organizations Through Work on Values by Gry Espedal, Frank Elter. New York: Routledge, 2023.

    “When We Know What is Right – How Do We Get It Done?” by Mary C. Gentile, The Decade, Episode 54, 13 September 2023.

    Giving Voice to Values as an Enabling Pedagogy for Digital Ethics,” by Adriana Krasniansky and Mary C. Gentile. In The Future of Responsible Management Education: University Leadership and the Digital Transformation Challenge, edited by Christian Hauser and Wolfgang Amann. Humanism in Business Series. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, May 2023.

    Foreword by Mary C. Gentile. In Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases, 6th Edition by Steven Mintz and William Miller. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2023.

    The Practical Uses of Hope: Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. Virtues & Vocations: Higher Education for Human Flourishing, Summer/August 2023.

    Dennis Gentilin Top 5 Books List | April 2023
    Giving Voice to Values by Mary C. Gentile is included on Dennis Gentilin's list of the "Best Books for Business Ethics Students and Practitioners."

    Accounting Education | March 2023
    Mary Gentile's research is cited in, "An Empirical Analysis of the Theoretical Foundation of the Giving Voice to Values Pedagogy," by William F. Miller, Tara J. Shawver and Stephen M. Mintz.

    Times Higher Education | 28 January 2023
    GVV is featured in, “Business Schools Must Teach the Value of Disobedience Over Climate,” by Oliver Laasch.

    Foreword by Mary C. Gentile in Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases, 6th Edition by Steven Mintz and William Miller. New York: McGraw-Hill, forthcoming.

    Harvard Business Review | Nov-Dec 2022
    “Case Study: Does Facial Recognition Tech Enhance Security?” by Mary C. Gentile, David Danks, and Maralee Harrell.

    Lawyer’s Guide to Business Ethics by Keith William Diener. New York: Taylor & Francis, November 2022, in the GVV series published by Routledge.

    Bentley University News Release | 25 October 2022
    "Faculty Recognized for Outstanding Scholarly Contributions." Cynthia E. Clark is recognized as an Outstanding Scholar in Management by Bentley University for bridging between research and practice, including authoring the book, Giving Voice to Values in the Boardroom (2021). 

    Legal Theory Blog | 20 June 2022
    “Gentile & Tubbs on Antitrust Compliance.” Mary Gentile’s paper, “Giving Voice To Values: The 'How' of Effective Antitrust Compliance,” is highlighted.

    Universidad Externado de Columbia | May 2022
    Mary Gentile discusses corruption in a two-part interview.

    Virtues and Vocations, Center for Social Concerns at University of Notre Dame | 27 April 2022
    Taya Cohen, associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business, discusses Giving Voice to Values in an interview for the Reimagining Education series, "Conversations on Character the Common Good."

    Insights with Impact Blog | 28 March 2022
    "Voice Your Values," by Dr. Judy Frels, summarizes key takeaways from Mary Gentile's book, Giving Voice to Values (Yale University Press, 2010).

    The Compassionate Confronter | March 2022
    Giving Voice to Values was featured in,"Closing the Ethics Gap," by Arnold Smit, vol 2(1).

    Graphic Online | 12 March 2022
    Giving Voice to Values was featured in the article, "Inculcating anti-corruption behaviours in students," as a framework that can be implemented in educational institutions in Ghana.

    Perspectives on Antitrust Compliance | 2 March 2022
    Mary Gentile contributed to the book publication of "Perspectives on Antitrust Compliance," which is now available both online and in print.

    Forbes | 18 February 2022
    Mary Gentile and Giving Voice to Values were highlighted in Bruce Weinstein's article, "Why These Successful Professionals Have Devoted Their Careers To Ethics."

    Villanova Law Review Norman J. Shachoy Symposia | 7 February 2022
    A transcript of the 2021 Villanova Law Review  Norman J. Shachoy Symposium that featured Mary C. Gentile and Giving Voice to Values was published here.

    Reimagining Education | 3 February 2022
    As part of the Virtues & Vocations series, Reimagining Education: Conversations on Character and the Common Good, Mary Gentile discusses her curriculum "Giving Voice To Values." To view the interview, please click here.

    South African Family Practice | 31 January 2022
    Giving Voice to Values was highlighted in "A Values-Driven Approach to Vaccine Hesitancy Conversations" by Zilla M. North, Arnold T. Smit, and Louis S. Jenkins.

    The Morning Show with Mary | 27 January 2022
    Host Mary Jacobsen interviewed Shannon Price, who has a PhD in African American Studies from Harvard and a law degree from Yale, about her new book in the Giving Voice to Values book series, "Tactics for Racial Justice: Building an Antiracist Organization and Community." To view the interview, please click here.

    Bank Notes Podcast | 10 November 2021
    Taya Cohen, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory at Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business, discusses why highly guilt prone individuals may have a moral advantage and shares her perspective on individuals' proclivities toward ethical behavior and honesty. To listen to the podcast, please click here.

    Life & Leadership: A Conscious Journey Podcast | 13 October 2021
    Join Dr. Michelle St Jane and Professor Mary Gentile on the podcast "Life & Leadership: A Conscious Journey" as they discuss the topics of impact, transformation, and living your values in life and leaders.

    Strategic Finance | 1 October 2021
    In the article, "Vocal Values-Driven Leadership," Mary Gentile writes about how leaders who want to instill an ethical culture can encourage their organization's personnel to give voice to their values. Giving voice to values (GVV) is an approach to values-driven leadership development in business education and the workplace that draws on scholarship and practical experience navigating ethical issues. GVV isn’t about persuading people to be more ethical. Rather, GVV starts from the premise that most of us already want to act based on our values effectively and successfully. The GVV pedagogy and curriculum focus on ethical implementation: what to say and do to act on our values most effectively.

    Thinkers50 | September 2021
    Mary C. Gentile was inducted into the Thinkers50 "Hall of Fame."

    The CPA Journal | August/September 2021
    In Steven M. Mintz's article, "Accounting Ethics Education," the author writes about the role Giving Voice to Values plays in accounting ethics education.

    AACSB | 11 August 2021
    In the article, "From What's Possible to What's Real - and Back Again," Mary Gentile discusses how through asking our students to "rewire" their emotional reactions to complex social problems, we help them find common ground and work toward solutions. 

    Alexander Street | 10 August 2021
    A video by Mary Gentile on Giving Voice to Values was featured by Alexander Street, a ProQuest company.

    AACSB | 3 August 2021
    In the article, "Teaching Students to Lead With Their Consciences," G. Richard Shell highlights Giving Voice to Values and how students can make decisions in more ethical organizational cultures.

    Villanova University | July 2021
    Mary Gentile was named to the advisory board for The David F. and Constance B. Girard-diCarlo Center for Ethics, Integrity, and Compliance, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law.

    The Center for Higher Ambition Leadership | June 2021
    Mary Gentile was named to the Board of Directors for The Center for Higher Ambition Leadership.

    Washington State University Vancouver | 15 June 2021
    In the article, "The Future of Ethics Training for Business," Jerry Goodstein and Mary Gentile discuss their new book which heralds limitless potential for a widely used curriculum on values.

    The Stakeholder Podcast | 31 May 2021
    Mary Gentile was on The Stakeholder Podcast to discuss Giving Voice to Values.

    UVA Darden Ideas to Action | 18 May 2021
    In the article, "Giving Voice to Values: Pragmatism and Practice," Darden Professors Brian Moriarty and Ed Freeman offer new insights into Gentile's groundbreaking GVV work by drawing from an older source on ethics - the pragmatic philosophy of early 20th century American philosopher John Dewey.

    UVA Darden Ideas to Action | 8 April 2021
    In the article, "Giving Voice to Values: A Glimpse of the Origin Story," Mary Gentile highlights a portion of her journey and inspiration, in her own words, from her forthcoming book Giving Voice to Values: An Innovation and Impact Agenda.

    Training Lawyers as Leaders | 29 March 2021
    Giving Voice to Values was highlighted in the article, "Article Recommendation: Stories of Leadership, Good and Bad: Another Modest Proposal for Teaching Leadership in Law Schools," as guidance to be adapted to law school curricula to provide "an effective platform to structure values-based leadership education."

    Compliance Week | 23 February 2021
    Mary Gentile and Giving Voice to Values were featured in the article, "Best practices for navigating political discussions among coworkers," about how to promote a healthy workplace culture.

    Learning from the Source Podcast | 23 January 2021
    In this episode, Rej Torrecampo is joined by Professor Mary Gentile where they discuss what GVV is all about and its value to members, middle managers, and senior leaders.

    Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting | 2020
    In this book, Tara J. Shawver and William F. Miller explore increasing student engagement using Giving Voice to Values and peer feedback.

    EconPapers | 2020
    In the publication, "Measuring the value of integrating GVV into a standalone accounting ethics course," William F. Miller, Tara J. Shawver, and Steven M. Mintz empirically assess the efficacy of the Giving Voice to Values curricular offering.

    Nexdigm | 2 November 2020
    A podcast conversation between Mary Gentile and Sundaraparipurnan Narayanan about values in ethics and compliance, and why preparing an organization not just on 'what' but on 'how' to voice values is critical.

    The Ethicist's Corner Podcast | 21 October 2020
    In this episode of The Ethicist's Corner, Dr. Mary Gentile discusses ethics and Giving Voice to Values, an ethics education and leadership curriculum that has been piloted in over 1,240 business schools and organizations globally (including the US, China, India, South Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and beyond).

    Legasis | 10 October 2020
    Dr. Anita Shantaram in video conversation with Professor Mary Gentile about Giving Voice to Vales: the how of values-driven leadership and how to speak your mind when you know what's right. To listen to the conversation, please click here.

    UVA Darden Ideas to Action | 8 October 2020
    In the article, "A Word to Hedgehogs: Find Commonality Across Critical Issues," Mary Gentile discusses the importance of core human values in relation to the upcoming election.

    BIS: Integrity School Podcast | 24 September 2020
    In this episode of the BIS: Business Integrity School Podcast by the University of Arkansas' Sam M. Walton College of Business, Cindy Moehring sits down with Mary Gentile. Their discussion focuses on how business ethics has changed over the last 25 years, and how the GVV approach has moved the field forward, both for educators and practitioners. To view the YouTube video or listen to the podcast, please click here.

    UVA Darden Ideas to Action | 18 June 2020
    Mary Gentile discussed GVV and its emphasis on ethical implementation in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in the article, "Giving Voice to Values: COVID-19 Conflicts, Creative Solutions and Collaboration."

    IDEAS | Summer 2020
    In Mary C. Gentile's article, "Moral Muscle Memory" for IDEAS, the magazine of The Aspen Institute, she discusses ways to teach leaders on how to not only identify their values, but to implement them.

    MENAFM | 27 May 2020
    The GVV methodology is highlighted as a way for all organizations to pay more attention in their strategic planning and day-to-day decision-making to build trust and demonstrate some level of transparency and commitment to meeting sustainability goals in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. To read more, please visit this link.

    Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership | May 2020
    A video of Mary Gentile is featured about how to respond to tough news as leaders in the article "Great Leaders are Good at Hearing Bad News."

    UVA Darden Ideas to Action | April 2020
    A collection of the Giving Voice to Values program, with insights from Mary Gentile, was featured on UVA Darden Ideas to Action.

    WJOP, 96.3FM | 17 March 2020
    Mary Jacobson, host of the Morning Show on WJOP 96.3PM, interviewed Mary Gentile about FASPE and ethics. To listen to the interview, please visit this link.

    Thoughts From the Lawn | 9 March 2020
    Questions of ethics arise in our professional and personal lives, and Mary Gentile recommends that problem-solving should go beyond placing blame and asking "what is the right thing to do?" in the Thoughts From the Lawn blog.

    UVA Today | 25 February 2020
    Professor Gentile was interviewed in the article, "Q&A: Where Did the Houston Astros Go Astray?," about the current Houston Astros scandal and the leadership lessons that individuals can take away from it.

    myosh | 12 February 2020
    In the article, "What Leads Professionals to Compromise on Their Ethics?," the author discusses a number of common rationalizations which lead individuals to compromise their ethics in the business and the important implications for OHS professionals and potential safety outcomes within organizations.

    ethikos | 1 February 2020
    Professor Gentile was interviewed on the Giving Voice to Values program, its genesis, and how an emphasis on values can be applied in all organizations in an ethikos article entitled "On ethics." Copyright 2020 ethikos, a publication of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE).

    Gartner | 31 January 2020
    Giving Voice to Values was cited as an example of how to proceed with ethics in face of the backlash faced by the Houston Astros whistleblower in the article, "Team Loyalty Doesn't Mean Silence on Misconduct" by Dian Zhang.

    CNN Business | 29 January 2020
    In the article, "You're a leader. But you can't stomach what your company is doing," Jeanne Sahadi spoke with Professor Gentile on what options executive and managers have when they object to what their company is doing.

    Passodue Blog | 13 January 2020
    Mary Gentile was interviewed and discussed reaching one's goals and how to remain true to oneself in the process. To review the interview in its entirety, please visit this link.

    The American Journal of Bioethics | 2 January 2020
    Ira Bedzow's "Letter to the Editor: The Necessity of Teaching Medical Students to Voice Their Values," she uses GVV in the greater context of medical ethics education and the importance of it.

    Journal of Business Ethics | 28 November 2019
    In Christian Hauser's article, "From Preaching to Behavioral Change: Fostering Ethics and Compliance Learning in the Workplace," he uses examples from GVV to promote ethics and compliance policies effectively among employees.

    Risk & Compliance Magazine | October - December 2019
    Professor Gentile wrote an article that was featured in the magazine entitled, "Beyond So-Called 'Speak Up Culture'" From Preaching to Practice.

    Forbes | 31 October 2019
    In the article, "Ethics As Freedom, Part II: How To Apply Motivational Science To Ethics Management" by Carsten Tams, GVV was used as an example of intervention training to not only recognize employee misconduct, but to also prevent and intervene against problematic behavior effectively.

    Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative | 30 October 2019
    Professor Gentile was interviewed on how to face a conflict of ethics in the workplace in the article, "How to act on your values, with Giving Voice to Values founder, Mary Gentile." The interview was also followed up with the article, "Creating a 'can do' mindset for integrity."

    Insights with Impact Blog | 13 October 2019
    "Confronting Unethical Behavior:" Dr. Rob Sheehan cites Mary Gentile's suggestions for the steps to take when encountering unethical behavior in the workplace.

    HR People + Strategy Blog | August and September 2019
    GVV was highlighted as part of a series to help leaders become more inclusive and cultivate more diverse organizations in the following blog posts:

    Workplace Ethics Advice | 22 August 2019
    In the article, "Finding Your Ethical Voice," GVV was used as an example of a methodology regarding how to express one's point of view to influence others and, hopefully, stop unethical reporting in its tracks.

    BSchools | 19 August 2019
    Professor Gentile was interviewed about ethical values and the GVV program in "B-Skills: An Interview with Mary Gentile on Ethical Leadership."

    Giving Voice to Values: The "How" of Values-Based Leadership | 25-26 June 2019 | HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration, Zurich, Switzerland
    An introduction to the GVV approach and to GVV program design for corporate practitioners. For more information, contact Mary Gentile.

    Financial Times | 16 June 2019
    Professor Gentile was quoted in the Financial Times article "Skills for future finance leaders: ethics take centre stage".

    Forthcoming Book Chapter
    Professor Gentile co-authored a book chapter with Carsten Tams titled "Giving Voice to Values: Responsible Management as Facilitation of Ethical Voice" in: Laasch, O., Jamali, D., Freeman, E., & Suddaby, R. (2019, forthcoming). The Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

    Customer Think | 14 June 2019
    The Giving Voice to Values Educators' Practicum program was highlighted in Andrew Rudin's Customerthink.com article, "Giving Voice to Values: Essential Nutrition for the Fiscally Fit Organization."

    PR Newswire | 13 June 2019
    Professor Gentile's book, "Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What's Right" was recommended on The University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business' 16th annual Summer Reading List for Business Leaders.

    ComplianceNet Conference on Business Ethics | 3-4 June 2019
    Professor Gentile will lead the opening discussion entitled, "What Should We Be Doing in Business Ethics?" at the Program for the 2019 ComplianceNet Conference on Business Ethics at Villanova University's Charles Widger School of Law.

    Darden Ideas to Action | 28 May 2019
    “In the Weeds: A Taxing Values Conundrum”: This Case In Point reflects on taxes and the cannabis business. Co-written by Mary Gentile, Steven Mintz and William F. Miller.

    Darden Ideas to Action | 21 May 2019
    In "Graduating to the Next Level: 5 Leadership Lessons for New Graduates (and Anyone Else)", Professor Gentile offers advice on "How to Act on Your Ethics"

    Network For Business Sustainability | 29 April 2019
    In "MBAs focus on the short term, harming companies and communities. Experts identify paths to a longer-term outlook", Dany Miller, Nancy McGaw, and Professor Gentile offer thoughts on how MBA programs and companies can focus on the long term over short-term profits to promote firm sustainability.

    Reuters Regulatory Intelligence | 11 April 2019
    Professor Gentile’s book, Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What’s Right, was listed as a book that should be a staple for every AML compliance professional in "Money laundering scandals: The actions or inactions of bank employees," originally published by Thomson Reuters ©️ Thomson Reuters.

    India Education Diary | 9 March 2019
    Professor Gentile spoke about GVV at the Globsyn Management Conference in Kolkata, India, in a panel on corporate ethics and responsibility.

    Siasat Daily | 8 March 2019
    Professor Gentle participated in a panel event at the Globsyn Management Conference/Vision Seminar in Kolkata, India.

    Darden Ideas To Action | 12 February 2019
    In, “Digital Learning and Values-Driven Leadership: Why It Works,” expert Debra Newcomer discusses Professor Gentile’s extensive work on digital ethics training, and examines why digital learning platforms can and should be leveraged in values and ethics training programs. “Values shouldn’t be separate from the rest of our day-to-day work,” she writes.

    Compliance Week | 11 February 2019
    Mary Gentile discusses values-driven leadership on a p​o​d​c​a​s​t​ with columnist Tom Fox at Compliance Week.  

    Customer Think | 7 February 2019
    Insights from Professor Gentile’s book, Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What’s Right, are cited extensively in an article on how to voice values in sales and customer management environments, when there is conflicting pressure from both sales managers and customers to engage in unethical behavior. “It’s easier to redirect a problematic request when you can gain consensus on a larger goal,” the author, Andrew Rudin, Managing Principal of Contrary Domino, writes. 

    Oxford Research Encyclopedia Of Business And Management | 28 January 2019
    Professor Gentile’s article, “Ethics Education: How Giving Voice to Values Fills in the ‘Action Gap,’” has been included in the authoritative ORE as part of its recent update. She and her co-author, Daniel Arce, examine how the GVV pedagogy, including time spent rehearsing arguments for values-based change, helps people who have decided what is right to turn their conviction into action.

    Globally Responsible Leadership Institute | 24 January 2019
    Professor Gentile’s work on Giving Voice to Values was listed as a motivation for the Global Responsibility Leadership Institute’s 2019 goals. 

    VER.PT (Portugal) | 10 January 2019
    Sem bola de cristal, o que reserva 2019 às e​m​p​r​e​s​a​s​?​ 
    Professor Mary Gentile’s work on GVV is the basis for her business leadership predictions for 2019.

    Global Responsibility | 8 January 2019
    Mary Gentile and her book, Giving Voice to Values: How to speak your mind when you know what’s right, were the subject of an in-depth blog post at Global Responsibility.  

    Cuadernos de Administracion | January 2019
    The Giving Voice to Values curriculum was used as an example as a practical tool for values-driven leadership in business education and the workplace in the article, "Challenging the Oppressive Social Context by Redesigning Learning Space. The Case of a Business Ethics Class in Russia" by Polina Kalnitskaya.

    To view publications from 2018 and prior, please visit the GVV Resources webpage.

  • GVV Around the World

    GVV Around the World

    GVV is active internationally and growing, with over 1,075 pilots in education, business and fields such as nursing, medicine, law and engineering. In the past several years, GVV has been featured in the following countries:

    • United States
      • Education
        • "Giving Voice to Values and Developing Your 'Inner Compass' as a Leader," interview with Mary C. Gentile by Anita Novak, Purposeful Empathy podcast, February 23, 2025.

        • “Being Intentional About Teaching Ethics to Accounting Students,” webinar panel with Mary C. Gentile. American Accounting Association, 21 February 2025.

        • “Giving Voice to Values,” by Mary Gentile. The Institute for Ethics and the Common Good, Notre Dame University, 16-20 February 2025

        • "Giving Voice to Values" by Mary C. Gentile. “Ethical Leadership” course taught by Brian Mateo, Fahmida Rahman and Manuela Fernandez Pinto, Open Society University Network (OSUN) Collaborative Course, with students from BRAC University, Universidad de Los Andes and Bard/OSUN, February 12, 2025.

        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How of Values-Driven Leadership,’ by Mary C. Gentile. Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, 8 February 2025.

        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How of Values-Driven Leadership,’ by Mary C. Gentile. 2025 Conference, The Society of Consulting Psychology/American Psychology Association, 7 February 2025.

        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How of Values-Driven Leadership,’ by Mary C. Gentile. “Ethical Discernment in Business Contexts” course with Professor John Brown, Harvard Divinity School, 5 February 2025.

        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. Purposeful Empathy Podcast, 23 January 2025.

        • "Giving Voice to Values: Values-Driven Leadership for a Changing World” by Mary C. Gentile. 9th International Vision Seminar, Globsyn Business School, Kolkata, India, 18 January 2025.

        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership by Mary C. Gentile. Education Grand Rounds, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, MA, 15 January 2025.

        • Giving Voice to Values: Online Case Writing Workshop," led by Brian Moriarty, Munster Technological University, Tralee and Cork, Ireland, 30 October 2024.

        • Giving Voice to Values for Future Forward: What’s Needed and What’s Next in Ethical Business Leadership” by Mary C. Gentile. Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership, 4 October 2024.
        • “Giving Voice to Values Conversation for ‘Ethical Leadership’ Masters and Executive Course” by Mary C. Gentile. Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University, 25 September 2024. 
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. Orientation for New Medical Students, LEAD@Lahey Pathway Program, Burlington, MA, 12 August 2024. 
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by John Heiser. HALIX Leadership Development Program for Senior Leaders, Higher Ambition Leadership Alliance, July 2024.
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by John Heiser. LEAD@Lahey faculty development retreat, LEAD@Lahey Pathway Program, July 2024.
        • “Using Cases to Teach Ethics to Accounting Students” by Mary C. Gentile and Steven Mintz. American Accounting Association, 21 June 2024.
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. Disciplinary Discussion: Management: Organizational Behavior & HR, 2024 PRME Global Forum (Principles for Responsible Management Education), 18 June 2024.
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Jonathan Angel, Anton Lindberg, and Melker Larsson. Voice for Change, Global Students Ambassador Program in the PRME Chapter ASEAN+, United Nations Initiative (Principles for Responsible Management Education), 2 June 2024.
        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership Development” by Mary C. Gentile. Herbert Holloman Memorial Symposium, Radius, Office of Religious, Spiritual and Ethical Life, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 17 April 2024. VIDEO
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. First Movers Fellowship, The Aspen Institute Business & Society Program, 11 April 2024.

        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. Deploying the Doctrines of The PRME Impactful Five (i5) and the Giving Voice to Values (GVV) Initiatives, University of Bradford School of Management in collaboration with Emerald Publishing, Yunus Social Business Centre, and Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), 28 March 2024.

        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership Development” by Mary C. Gentile. Guest lecture in “Leadership When It Really Counts” course, University of Virginia Darden School of Business, 27 March 2024.

        • Giving Voice to Values is excited to announce a collaboration with the Principles for Responsible Management Education, the largest organized relationship between the United Nations and management-related higher education institutions. The collaboration adds value to PRME by equipping for impact through synergies in pedagogy and praxis with GVV and the Impactful Five (i5) program. The collaboration adds value to Giving Voice to Values because it enables GVV to align itself with the i5 pedagogy and provides access to the PRME network, maximizing impact through pedagogical innovation.To kick off our collaboration, we hosted a joint workshop to introduce the Impactful Five (i5) and Giving Voice to Values innovative pedagogical approaches: 25 January 2024 and 1 February 2024.

        • A new Ethical Leadership Network Collaborative Course is based on Giving Voice To Values and has enrolled students from 12 universities: Al-Quds University, American University of Afghanistan, American Univerity in Beirut, American University of Central Asia, Bard College, Bard College Berlin, BRAC University, Central European University, OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning in Kenya, Parami University, and Ashesi University.

        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. NOVA Annual Conference 2023: Seeds of Change: Inspiring a Better Future, NOVA Institute, 8 December 2023.

        • Mary C. Gentile presented, “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership,” at the 2023 Global BDO Ethics and Independence Conference on 5 December 2023.

        • Moral and Civic Virtues in Engineering: Reimagining Engineering Ethics to Cultivate Virtuous Engineers by Olga Pierrakos, Adetoun Yeaman, Kyle Luthy and Mary C. Gentile. IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE ASEE, 19 October 2023.

        • GVV is featured in a new Tech Ethics Curriculum Framework (PDF). The Deloitte Foundation and academic collaborators: Duquesne-University, University-of-Notre-Dame, University-of-Arkansas and University-of-Virginia offer this resource for the academic community. The Deloitte Foundation also supports select GVV Tech Ethics cases available with the GVV curriculum at Darden Business Publishing  (and under the “Curriculum” tab at the Giving Voice to Values site. (NB: Teaching notes and B cases are available to registered and approved faculty members. Register at https://store.darden.virginia.edu/login.)

        • GVV Presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Ethical Leadership, Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business – Master’s in Strategic Management and Executive Leadership, 19 September 2023.

        • GVV Presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Deloitte Colloquium in Ethical Leadership, Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership, 19 September 2023.

        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership” by Mary C Gentile. Vincent Fairfax Fellowship, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, Melbourne, Australia, 9 August 2023.

        • Mary C. Gentile was named the 2023 Andy Eder Business Faculty member at FASPE (Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics).

        • GVV presentation to the “May Knowledge Continuum” by Mary C. Gentile. Center for Management IT, McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 12 May 2023.

        • GVV presentations to faculty, students and community by Mary C. Gentile, Distinguished Speaker at the Donahue Center. University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, 30 March 2023.
        • Presentation to the Association for Women in Science, Boston and New York City Chapters by Mary C. Gentile. Virtual, 17 March 2023.
        • GVV Pedagogy and Curriculum Development Presentation to Engineering Faculty by Mary C Gentile. Wake Forest University, 6 January 2023.
        • The UVA School of Engineering and Applied Sciences made the new "Engineering Ethics" course a requirement for undergraduates, of which GVV remains a core element. A team of five UVA faculty members are presenting a paper at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education on assessing the learning outcomes of the GVV elements of this course.
        • GVV presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Systems Engineering course, University of Arkansas, 29 November 2022.
        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership” by Mary C. Gentile. Closing keynote, Rear Admiral Wetmore Ethics Forum, Coast Guard Academy, 9 November 2022
        • Mary Gentile presented the keynote, “Giving Voice to Values: A Pedagogy for Ethical Action,” at the Virtues and Vocations Engineering Education Workshop, hosted by Duke University Keenan Institute for Ethics and Notre Dame College of Engineering, Notre Dame, 27 October 2022.
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. Ethical Leadership course in online Master’s in Strategic Management and Executive Leadership, Pennsylvania State University, 19 September 2022.
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. Speaking Up, Walton College Business Integrity Leadership Initiative, University of Arkansas, September 14, 2022.
        • “Giving Voice to Values” by Mary C. Gentile. True North: Navigating the Ethical Future of Health Care Leadership, Aspen Ethical Leadership Program for Healthcare, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, September 11th, 2022.
        • Mary Gentile presented, "Giving Voice To Values: Practical Ways to Influence Organizational Systems," at the Green Wave summer 2022 virtual conference on 21 July 2022.
        • Mary Gentile and Victoria Sweeney, Principal - Ethics and Compliance, KPMG LLC, presented a workshop, "Giving Voice to Values: The "How" of Values-Driven Leadership" to members of the Higher Ambition Leadership Alliance, 12 July 2022.
        • Mary Gentile presented, "GVV: Practical Ways to Influence Organizational Systems" at Green Wave, 21 June 2022.
        • Mary Gentile held a GVV workshop for the National conference for the GFOA today (Government Financial Officer Association) in June 2022.
        • GVV presentation by Mary C. Gentile. First Mover Fellowship Program, Aspen Institute, 7 June 2022.
        • GVV presentation by Mary C. Gentile at the FASPE Alumni Trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 2022.
        • Mary Gentile was the keynote speaker at the 8th National Nursing Ethics Conference,17-18 March 2022.
        • Mary Gentile was a keynote for the 6th International Vision Seminar and the text may be found here.
        • Mary Gentile joins Editorial Advisory Board for New Journal, Management, and Sustainability: An Arab Review.
        • Mary Gentile has a new appointment to the board of directors of The Center for Higher Ambition Leadership (CHL), a non-profit community formed by and for CEOs committed to building high-performing organizations that deliver superior economic and social value who bring expertise and commitment to multi-stakeholder value creation.
        • Gentile was a guest lecturer in the 17th installment of the Global Business Ethics Teaching Workshop. This three-day Workshop, was held virtually from 24-26 May 2021, is designed to provide university instructors the knowledge and tools that they need to be more effective addressing ethical issues in business (and related topics such as CSR, sustainability, and corporate citizenship) in the classroom.
        • On 24 February 2021, Dr. Mary Gentile was a speaker for the University of Dallas' Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business Leaders & Legends Speaker Series. She shared with UD students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends her experience pioneering and working with Giving Voice to Values. 
        • Mary Gentile participated as a guest speaker in an online course entitled, "Leading and Flourishing in Difficult Times," with the Oxford Character Project and Human Flourishing Program in Harvard University's Institute of Quantitative Social Science. This course combines research on leadership, character, and flourishing in a 5-module program that is intended to help people across settings to exercise leadership where they are, furthering the good of their teams, communities, and organizations at a difficult time. The course is freely available online, with a small fee for a certificate if that is of value to people. You can find it on Teachable, here: https://leader-know-love-inspire.teachable.com/p/leadership-for-flourishing.
        • Mary Gentile presented a webinar on Giving Voice to Values and its applications for The Robert Zicklin Center for Corporate Integrity at Baruch College (New York City, New York).
        • Students at Washington State University won top ethics awards at Beta Alpha Psi competition for their work on the GVV curriculum.
        • GVV was featured and Mary Gentile was the keynote speaker at the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Annual Convening in partnership with the Better Business Bureau Foundation, Colorado State University, the University of Northern Colorado and the University of Wyoming in Loveland, Colorado.
        • GVV was featured in a program on diversity and inclusion at Pennsylvania State University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
        • GVV was featured at the University of Akron Business School in Akron, Ohio.
        • GVV was featured at the Notre Dame University Mendoza School of Business in South Bend, Indiana. 
        • GVV was featured at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.
        • GVV was featured at the American Accounting Association in Washington, D.C.
        • GVV was featured in the Legal Profession program at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law in Villanova, Pennsylvania.
        • Mary Gentile was a presenter at the SHARP Academy Forum at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas City, Kansas.
          • Attendees include: the US Disciplinary Barracks; international officers from Spain, Germany, Turkey, Canada, Korea, Peru, Britain, France, Japan and Brazil; the installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinators & Victim Advocates; Whiteman Airforce Base; commands and organizations from Fort Leavenworth; representatives from Homeland Security and the Kansas Coalition against Sexual and Domestic Violence in the greater Kansas City area; and the staff, faculty and students of the SHARP Academy. 
        • Mary Gentile was a part of the faculty at the 2019 Aspen Program for Ethical Healthcare Leadership in September 2019 in Aspen, Colorado.
        • Mary Gentile was a keynote speaker for the International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct in Washington D.C. in October 2019.
      • Corporate:
        • The Ethics and Compliance Initiative (ECI) will launch The Giving Voice to Values (GVV) working group in May 2024, and will have a strong practice orientation with a focus on understanding, applying, and embedding GVV in the workplace. The working group members will meet for 4-6 months to evaluate and study different and innovative approaches to the GVV methodology, with the goal of identifying the common factors needed to effectively embed and sustain it within varying workplaces.
        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership” by Mary C. Gentile. Annual Global BDO Ethics and Independence Conference, BDO, 5 December 2023.
        • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership” by Mary C. Gentile. ComplianceWeek, virtual event, 9 November 2023.

        • GVV Presentation by Mary C. Gentile, Vicki Sweeney, Earnie Broughton, Carsten Tams. ECI (Ethics and Compliance Initiative), virtual. 7 and 9 November 2023.

        • GVV presentation to Aspen Ethical Leadership Program in Healthcare, Aspen, CO, 10-13 September 2023.
        • GVV Presentation to Aspen Institute First Mover Fellows by Mary C Gentile, Aspen Institute Faculty Design Team Member. Greentree, NY, 12-15 April 2023.
        • GVV presentation by Mary C. Gentile. NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, 8 March 2023.
        • GVV was featured at the Aspen Program for Ethical Healthcare Leadership in Aspen, Colorado.
        • GVV was featured at the CFA Institute's Financial Management Seminar in Chicago, Illinois.
        • GVV was featured at The Hennessy Report's 1st Anniversary Celebration and with New England Human Resources Association (NEHRA) board members in Boston, Massachusetts.
        • GVV was featured at a workshop at the International Leadership Association in West Palm Beach, Florida.
        • GVV was featured at the Quorum Annual Convening on how women lead in New York, New York.
        • GVV was featured at the Aspen First Movers Fellowship program in Wye, Maryland.
        • A "Voicing Our Values" refresh training was provided to Lockheed Martin in Washington, D.C.
        • An interactive training and MOOC for Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Members is currently in development.
        • Mary Gentile was a speaker at the Compliance Solutions Strategies conference in September 2019 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
    • Africa:
      • The Giving Voice to Values Africa Course launched at Riara University in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2024, with 15 student leaders and 9 faculty and staff. The course aims to build institutional systems and cultures that empower individuals and organizations for ethical action, empathy, teamwork, leadership and influence. Click here to read more.
      • The Education Collaborative's Giving Voice to Values (GVV) Africa Program Has Been Shortlisted for the Nurturing Values and Ethics Award at the 11th Edition of the QS Reimagine Education Awards. The QS Reimagine Education Awards received over 1,300 submissions across 18 award categories, with the first round of evaluations conducted by 800 international judges. Announcing the nomination to The Education Collaborative, Barak Cerff, MBA, Senior Product Manager, and Vice-Chair of QS Quacquarelli Symonds, commended GVV Africa's accomplishment. "Your achievement is truly inspiring," he shared, revealing that GVV Africa ranked in the top 25%, securing a spot on the 2024 shortlist. Read more here!

      • University of Ghana Business School has joined the GVV-Africa Program to strengthen ethics-based curriculum, 2024.
      • The Mastercard Foundation continues to work with “Giving Voice To Values” as part of their leadership programming with a presentation for Africa Country Directors on 31 July 2024.
      • “Approaching Ethics through Values-Based Leadership and Ethical Action” by Aravinda Ram, Botho University, Botswana, and Adriana Ineza, Kepler College, Rwanda. GVV Africa Symposium, The Education Collaborative, Ashesi University, Berekuso, Ghana, 28 March 2024.
      • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership Development by Mary C. Gentile. Ethical Leadership Course for 12 institutions: Al-Quds University; American University of Afghanistan; American University in Beirut; American University in Central Asia; Ashesi University; Bard College; Bard College Berlin; BRAC University; Central European University; European Humanities University; OSUN Hubs for Connected Learning in Kenya; Parami University; Open Society University Network, 14 February 2024.
      • GVV presentation to 200 Senior Managers from Toyota South Africa by Daniel Malan, Assistant Professor in Business Ethics at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. South Africa, January 2023.
      • “Giving Voice to Values ‘Train-the-Trainer’ Program for Internal Managers at MasterCard” by Mary C. Gentile. Program to be rolled out to the MasterCard organization across numerous countries in Africa in 2023.
      • Mary Gentile gave the Keynote Address, "Giving Voice to Values as an Innovative Approach to Leadership Development," at the 2022 Education Collaborative Annual Convening's Ethics and Leadership Track led by Ashesi University in Ghana.
      • GVV was featured at "Thinking Schools of South Africa," where 500 African educators convened together over a webinar in February 2021.
      • Mary Gentile serves as an advisor to Giving Voice to Values - Africa at The Education Collaborative.
    • Australia:
      • GVV has been incorporated into Training for Police in Victoria Police, Melbourne, Australia, 2024. 
      • Mary Gentile shared “Giving Voice To Values” with the Vincent Fairfax Fellows, a program of the Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, Melbourne, Australia, 8 August 2024.
      • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership” by Mary C Gentile. Vincent Fairfax Fellowship, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership, Melbourne, Australia, 9 August 2023.
      • Mary Gentile served as a panelist for a global webinar, "Working With Values for Organizational Growth: Lessons Learnt From the Field," hosted by FlyntRok (based in Australia), 17 April 2023.
      • "Giving Voice to Values" is being offered as an Executive Education program at Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 2022.
      • GVV presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Gathering of Kindness, Hush Foundation, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia, 7 November 2022.
      • The Australian Institute of Health and Safety is offering an online professional development version of the GVV MOOC customized for Health and Safety profession.
      • Australian Financial Markets Association built GVV into their competencies and training modules and receives high evaluations from users, 2020.
    • Austria:
      • “The Human Economy: Creating Resilience Through Human Centric Systems,” a panel discussion by Mark Esposito, Matt Gitsham, Johan Roos, Matt Sigelman, Michele Zanini, Deepa Prahalad, Mary C. Gentile and Antonio-Nieto Rodriguez. Global Peter Drucker Forum, hosted by Global Peter Drucker Forum and Hult International Business School, Austria, 29 November 2023.
    • Belgium:
    • Brazil:
      • Mary Gentile participated in a discussion of “Giving Voice To Values” for the “Virtuous Leadership Program,” a convening of senior business leaders in Brazil, sponsored by Virtuous Company, 2022. Watch Video.
    • Canada:
    • China:
      • "Giving Voice to Values: The 'How' of Values-Driven Leadership," by Mary C. Gentile. Guest Lecture in Professor June Qian’s "Values-Based Leadership course," Schwartzman Scholars at Tsinghua University, China, 29 October 2023.
      • GVV presentation by Mary C. Gentile. "Values-Based Leadership" course, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 15 December 2022.
    • Germany:
      • GVV Presentation to Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences by Mary C. Gentile, as they prepare to incorporate ethics elements in all of their teaching, with GVV playing a central role. University of Cologne, Köln, 8 May 2023.
    • India:
      • Mary C. Gentile joined the advisory team of the NSHM Journal Of Management Research and Applications (NJMRA) published by the NSHM Business School (Kolkata, India).
      • “The Importance of Giving Voice to Values for Responsible and Inclusive Management Education” by Mary C. Gentile. Sir Cary Cooper: Worsen Inclusion Conference – WIN-23, hosted by Worsen University (India) and Kedge Business School (France), 14 December, 2023.
      • GVV presentation to managers from Tata Power by Subhasis Ray, professor at Xavier Institute of Management University, January 2023.
      • Mary Gentile was named to the EthicsIndia Advisory Board for 2022-24. EthicsIndia, a Legasis Group company, strives to uphold the vision of and to create an ecosystem for the Compliance & Ethics Academy.
      • Mary Gentile presented, "Giving Voice to Values (GVV) for Higher Education Leaders," at the virtual Academic Leadership for Sustainable Development Programme hosted by the Education Alliance for Sustainable Development at Atmiya University on 9 August 2022.
    • Ireland:  
      • “Giving Voice to Values: Online Case Writing Workshop" by Brian Moriarty, Technological University, Tralee and Cork, Ireland, October 30, 2024.
      • Professors Brian Moriarty and Anna-Marie Greaney will lead a one-day workshop on GVV at Munster Technological University in Tralee, Ireland, on 6 March 2024 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The workshop, “Professional Ethics at MTU: Giving Voice to Values in an Irish Context,” will enable faculty across professional disciplines to integrate GVV into their curricula.
      • Trinity College Business Ethics Speaker Series Presentation by Mary C. Gentile. Trinity College, Ireland, 2 February 2023.
      • Grant-funded GVV Curriculum project launched in engineering, nursing and social care at Munster Technological University, Ireland, 2021.
    • Netherlands
      • The Integrity Digital Learning Module (IntegrityDLM) developed by Dr. Abiola Makinwa of The Hague University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, adopts GVV pedagogy and helps undergraduate students develop the competences of 'integrity awareness' and 'integrity assertiveness,' which are transferable life-long skills.
    • Poland:
      • Giving Voice to Values Presentation to FASPE (Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics) by Mary C. Gentile. Berlin, Germany and Krakow, Poland, 26 May - 10 June 2023.
    • Saudi Arabia
      • Mary Gentile will be speaking about her book, How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What's Right, for Fresenius in Saudi Arabia's Compliance Week on March 24, 2021.
    • Singapore:
      • GVV was featured in professional training for the Wealth Management Institute in Singapore in 2019.
    • Switzerland:
      • “Giving Voice to Values: The ‘How’ of Values-Driven Leadership” by Mary C. Gentile. Integrity Talk, PRME Working Group on Anti-Corruption and the PRME Business Integrity Action Center, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Chur, Switzerland, February 21, 2023.
    • United Arab Emirates:
      • GVV was featured at the Mubadala Group and Etihad Aviation in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in November, 2018.

    Arabic translations of selected GVV materials from Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco are available.

    We are also in conversations with educators around the world to enable translations of some of the GVV curriculum into German and Spanish. Please contact Mary Gentile if you have ideas for other translations.