Robert E. Spekman
Tayloe Murphy Professor Emeritus of Business Administration
Academic Area
Areas of Expertise
Education: B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; MBA, Syracuse University; Ph.D., Northwestern University
Robert E. Spekman, Tayloe Murphy Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, is an internationally recognized authority on business-to-business marketing, supply chain/channels management and strategic alliances. His consulting experiences include marketing research and competitive analysis, strategic market planning, supply chain management, channels of distribution design and implementation and strategic partnering. In addition to teaching MBA courses, his executive program experience includes teaching general marketing strategy, sales force management, channels strategy, creating strategic alliances and business-to-business marketing strategy. He has edited or written seven books and is co-author of over 100 articles and papers.
Spekman, who joined the Darden faculty in 1991, previously taught at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland and the Norwegian School of Business Administration and Economics. In 1995, Spekman was made an inaugural ISBM Fellow in recognition of his contributions to research, scholarship and education in the study of business-to-business markets.
Robert E. Spekman's Ideas to Action Posts
The Bottom Line on the Extended Enterprise: How Collaboration Can Lead to Real Financial Rewards
Operations & Technology
Selected Publications
C. J. Lambe and Robert E. Spekman. "Anti-Competitive Practices in Marketing," in Cary Cooper (Editor) Encyclopedia in Management, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Robert E. Spekman and T. Steenburgh. "Business to Business Research, Practice and the Economy: A North American Perspective," in David Lichtenthal (Editor) special edition of Journal of Business to Business Marketing, 2012.
Robert E. Spekman. "Strategic Alliances in a Business-to-Business Environment," in Handbook of B2B Marketing, G. Lilien and R. Grewal (eds), Springer Publications, 2012, 348-367.
Robert E. Spekman. "Comments on: Kotler's It's Time for Total Marketing; Kotler and Levy's Buying is Marketing; Kotler's From Mass Marketing to Mass Customization; Kotler's Coping with the Complexities of Marketing; Achrol and Kotler's Service Dominant Logic," Legends in Marketing: Philip Kotler, in Ravi Achrol (Editor), San Francisco: CA, Sage Publications, 71-76, 77-80, 81-83, 84-87, 97-100.
Robert E. Spekman. "Comments on Wind's Contribution to Organizational Buying Behavior," in Legends in Marketing: Yoram Wind, Robert Thomas (Editor), San Francisco: CA, Sage Publications.
Stephen Melnyk, Ed Davis, Robert Spekman and Joe Sandor, "Outcome Driven Supply Chains,"Sloan Management Review, Vol. 51 (2), 33-38, Winter (2010).
Boyd, D. Eric and Robert E. Spekman. "The Licensing of Marketing Control Rights in Technology Alliances: A Shareholder Perspective," Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27 (4), 593-605,(2010).
D. Eric Boyd and Robert Spekman, "The Market Value Impact of Indirect Ties within Technology Alliances," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 36, 488-500, (2008).
Mark Parry, Michael Song, and Robert Spekman. "Task Conflict, Integrative Potential, and Conflict Management Strategies in Joint Ventures, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 55, No. 2, May 2008, 201-218.
John Kamauff and Robert E. Spekman. "The LCCS Success Factors," Supply Chain Management Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, January-February 2008, 14-21.
Olaf Ploetner and Robert Spekman(eds.), "Bringing Technology to Market," John Wiley and Sons, Germany (2006).
Robert Bruner, Mark Eaker, R. Edward Freeman, Robert Spekman and Elizabeth O. Teisberg (1997), "The Portable MBA, 3rd edition," New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. The fourth edition was released in Feb. (2003).
Edward W. Davis and Robert E. Spekman,"The Extended Enterprise: The Key to Supply Chain Alliances, Partner Leverage, and Competitive Advantage," New York, Prentice Hall Financial Times, Fall (2003).
Robert E. Spekman, Joe Spear and John Kamauff, "Supply Chain Competence: Learning as a Key Component," Supply Chain Management, Vol. 71, 41-55, (2002). Received the 2003 MCB awards for excellence as the most outstanding paper in the journal.
C.J. Lambe, R.E. Spekman and Shelby Hunt, "Alliance Competence, Resources and Alliance Success: Conceptualization, Measurement and Initial Test," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, 114-158, (2002).
Robert E. Spekman and Lynn A. Isabella with Thomas MacAvoy, "Alliance Competence Maximizing the Value of Your Partnerships," New York: John Wiley and Sons, (2000).
Robert E. Spekman, Lynn Isabella, Thomas MacAvoy and Theodore Forbes (1997), "Alliances and Partnership Strategy," Cambridge, MA: ICEDR.
Case Studies
Advancing knowledge through research that shapes business, Darden professors are recognized thought leaders in their fields. They are not only master case method teachers, they also author many of the cases used in Darden classrooms and around the world.
Robert E. Spekman's cases are available in the Darden Business Publishing website.