E. Richard Brownlee II

Dale S. Coenen Professor Emeritus of Business Administration

Academic Area

Areas of Expertise

Corporate Financial Reporting, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting and Control Systems, Corporate Pension Plans, Executive Education, Strategic Corporate Sustainability

Education: BBA, MBA, Ohio University; Ph.D., Georgia State University; CPA

Dale S. Coenen Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Richard Brownlee was the area coordinator for Accounting and taught "Financial and Managerial Accounting" at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. He was also the faculty leader of Darden's sustainability concentration and taught the course "Business and Sustainability." Brownlee has served on the University of Virginia faculty senate, and he currently serves as the co-chair of the University of Virginia's Sustainability Policies and Procedures Committee, a subcommittee of the University's Presidential Committee on Sustainability.

Brownlee continues to teach extensively in Darden's Executive Education programs in the areas of financial and managerial accounting, financial management and sustainable business practices. Brownlee was formerly associated with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. and has served as a consultant to the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts as well as various other businesses.

Prior to joining the Darden faculty in 1975, he taught at Ohio University, the University of Northern Iowa and Georgia State University. Brownlee has co-authored textbooks on accounting and financial reporting, as well as casebooks on financial and managerial accounting. He has written numerous cases and teaching notes and has received awards for both his teaching and scholarship.

Richard E. Brownlee's Ideas to Action Posts

Selected Publications

Brownlee, E. Richard, "Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Becoming Mainstream," Ernst & Young Faculty Connection, Issue 33 (May 2011): p. 2-4.

Allen, Brandt R., E. Richard Brownlee, Mark E. Haskins, and Luann J. Lynch. Cases in Managerial and Cost Accounting. Cambridge Business Publishing, 2010.

Allen, Brandt R., E. Richard Brownlee, Mark E. Haskins, and Luann J. Lynch. Instructor's Manual for Cases in Managerial and Cost Accounting, Cambridge Business Publishing, 2010.


Case Studies

Advancing knowledge through research that shapes business, Darden professors are recognized thought leaders in their fields. They are not only master case method teachers, they also author many of the cases used in Darden classrooms and around the world.

E. Richard Brownlee's cases are available in the Darden Business Publishing website.