Darden Online
Darden Online - Product & Project Management
Product & Project Management
New problems. New approaches.
Agile Development
4 courses, 4 weeks/course, 6 hours/week
Transform your business using the principles and practice of agile. Learn to coordinate all aspects of the agile development process (running design sprints, managing teams, fostering a culture of experimentation), then apply what you've learned to guide a real-world software development project to successful completion.
Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs
3 courses, 3-4 weeks/course, 6 hours/week
For the manager, designer, or entrepreneur who is an active, hands-on collaborator with developers, learn to build working software using HTML, CSS, and Javascript - and your creative confidence (and competency!) to engage in digital projects.
Digital Product Management
4 courses, 4 weeks/course, 6 hours/week
Apply a portfolio of modern product management practices to developing products and teams, from product design, hypothesis-driven development and agile, all at the heart of modern product management.
Agile Analytics
4 weeks, 4 hours/week
Build a strong analytics infrastructure to determine and drive team focus. Learn how to pair your hypotheses with analytics and use Lean Startup to test propositions and instrument actionable observation into everything you build.
Agile Meets Design Thinking
4 weeks, 4 hours/week
Learn a different approach to product development, one that relies on creating a strong shared perspective and results in valuable solutions to meaningful problems.
Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs I
4 weeks, 4 hours/week
Experience going from design to code with HTML and CSS.
Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs II
3 weeks, 4 hours/week
Create interactive user interfaces (UIs) with Javascript.
Coding for Designers, Managers, and Entrepreneurs III
3 weeks, 4 hours/week
Create application logic (controllers) with Javascript, including interfaces to external API's and resources you can leverage to do a lot quickly.
Continuous Delivery & DevOps
4 weeks, 3 hours/week
Cultivate a continuous deployment capability in your organization. Learn to increase the velocity of your development by improving your delivery pipeline.
Customer-Centric IT Strategy
2 weeks, 2 hours/week
Discover major challenges within corporate IT and how to address them with the use of design thinking, Lean Startup and agile framework.
Digital Product Management: Modern Fundamentals
4 weeks, 6 hours/week
Charter a direction and create a successful working environment and the actionable focus to successfully manage your product, focus your work using modern product management methods, manage new products and explore new product ideas.
Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management
4 weeks, 4 hours/week
Run your projects more effectively and efficiently through planning principles, execution methods and frameworks for scoping projects, sequencing activities, utilizing resources and minimizing risks.
Hypothesis-Driven Development
4 weeks, 4 hours/week
Move beyond implementing agile processes to create focus around what matters to your user. Learn how to test your ideas and develop a strong culture of experimentation to better deliver products that matter.
Innovating With the Business Model Canvas
2 weeks, 2 hours/week
Improve your focus and ability to quickly test solutions using tools from the worlds of design thinking and Lean Startup to approach the Business Model Canvas and drive innovation.
Managing an Agile Team
4 weeks, 4 hours/week
Develop skills to facilitate your team’s initial and ongoing adoption of agile practices and to manage stakeholders.